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10 Point Platform


San Diego Chapter



New Generation Of Upholding Freedom and Liberation 



1. We are gaining freedom. We promote the power of practicing self-determination, determining the destiny of our communities, and Defining The Black Nation.

We embrace the spiritually high moral code of our Ancestors. We accept the accountability that Black People are free to collectively determine our Divine Destiny. 


2. We seek and establish avenues of proper living wage employment for our people and continuously disregard the practice of codependency from systemic and systematic modes of oppression. 

We know the plot to dumb down black people in the likeness of domesticated consumers. We know power only respects power, therefore our focus is transforming our economic consumer might into means of mass production designed, developed, controlled, and operated by black people. We promote accountability of our spending habits and practice currency and resource circulation within our communities and among our people first and foremost. Nothing stands in the way of our road to freedom and independence. The giant is awake, Afrikan people our time is now!


3. We actively empower our own legislative representation in all areas of the United States government. 

Through the power of joint Afrikan owned ventures and co-ops, Black people are developing our own control of land and full resource through Self Determination. The housing, land, social, political and economic institutions are being made into independent UJAMAA “New Afrikan Communal/Cooperatives” so that our community is free to build and make drug free, decent housing with health facilities for our people.

We demand, and actively participate in the ending of the capitalistic domination of Afrika in all of its forms: imperialism, criminal settler colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, sexism, Zionism, Apartheid and artificial borders.



4. We fight against the use of discriminatory mortgage and housing policies in effect towards Afrikans, people of color and all oppressed people.  

We aim to actively participate in the ending of the deployed warfare techniques targeted at Afrikans inclusive of the trafficking of drugs, biological and chemical testing, predatory medical practices, hazardous work conditions, and other negatively impacts attempting to neuter Afrikan culture and way of life. 


5. We employ education for our people to expose the true nature of this devilish and decadent AmeriKKKan society. We provide an education that teaches us our true legacy and our role in present day society.

We operate from an educational system that gives our people “a knowledge of self.” Having direct knowledge of self, our position in society and the world, develops our proper relationship to everything else.


6. We embrace the skills learned in military service. 

A forward thinking Black Panther uses military science to fortify our defense and engineering capabilities for community empowerment. 

We oppose selective service and the forcing of black men and women to fight in warfare abroad, while AmerikKKa engages in hostile, subversive, systematic fascism and racism here at home. We actively oppose the fighting and killing of other people of color in the world who, like Black People, are being victimized by the white racist government of AmerikKKa. Those black people that have acquired the military combative and engineering skills, are to be held accountable for using these skills in the liberation and taking back of our community power.


7. We actively pursue an immediate end to POLICE HARASSMENT, BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black People and people of color. We actively pursue the eradication of internalized violence or “Black on Black” violence, “snitching,” cooperation, and collaboration with the elements of oppression. 

We know ending police brutality in our community takes organizing Black self-defense groups (Black People’s Militias/Black Liberation Armies) that are dedicated to defending our Black Community from racist, fascist, police/military oppression and brutality. The Second Amendment of the Constitution grants the right to bear arms. Although this did not apply to the black people considered property during the time of its writing, at this point the exercise of freedom, liberty, Black defined equality and justice is being demanded. We therefore actively encourage Black People’s unification and forming of an “Afrikan United Front” as well as arming ourselves for self-defense (physically, mentally, and spiritually). 


8. We are establishing freedom for all Black Men and Black Women held in international, military, federal, state, county, city jails and prisons. 

We actively challenge the injustice of the AmeriKKKan judicial system and expose the privatization of prisons and stock trading of oppressed human labor. We know the current AmeriKKKan system of constitutional free labor still thrives to capitalize off oppression and does not seek to properly reform criminal behavior. The Black Panther Party’s duty is in awakening the people out of the cradle to prison pipeline.


9. We consciously support all Black People when brought to be tried in a court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by Constitutional law of the United States.

We demand the courts follow their own law, (as stated in the Constitution of the United States) so that Black People receive fair trials. The 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution gives a man/woman a right to an impartial trial, which has been interpreted to be a “fair” trial by one’s “peer” group.

A “peer” is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical and racial background. To do this, the court will be forced to select a jury from the Black Community from which the Black defendant came. We have been, and are being tried by all white juries that have no understanding of the “average reasoning person” of the Black Community. Black people must position themselves to the service of duty on court trials. Our lives are at stake and we are actively making it our black empowerment duty to sit on the panels and do our part to provide representation. 



10. We are establishing land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace for our people in the contested zone. 

As our National political objective, with the collective council of unity across other Black Panther formations, we aim to fashion “a liberated zone” in our communities, which grant our people power over the educational, economical, and political institutions in which we direct the participation towards the purposes of defining, developing, and defending our WILL and DIVINE destiny as a people.






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